Toyota Supra JZA80

Ignition timing

  1. Warm up engine
    Allow the engine to warm up to normal operating temperature.
  2. Connect Toyota hand-held tester or OBDII scan tool

    1. Connect the TOYOTA hand-held tester or OBDII scan tool to the DLC3.
    2. Please refer to the TOYOTA hand-held tester or OBDII scan tool operator’s manual for further details.
  3. Connect timing light to engine
  4. Check idle speed (See page EM-11)
  5. Inspect and adjust ignition timing
    1. Using SST, connect terminals TC and E1 of the DLC1
      SST 09843-18020
    2. Using a timing light, check the ignition timing.
      Ignition timing: 10 ± 2° BTDC @ idle
    3. Loosen the nut, and adjust by turning the distributor.
      Ignition timing: 10° BTDC @ idle
      (Transmission in neutral position)
    4. Tighten the nut, and recheck the ignition timing.
      Torque: 19 N·m (195 kgf·cm, 14 ft·lbf)
    5. Remove the SST from the DLC1.
      SST 09843-18020
  6. Further check ignition timing
    Ignition timing: 7 - 19° BTDC @ idle
    (Transmission in neutral position)
    The timing mark moves in a range between 7° and 19°.
  7. Disconnect timing light from engine
  8. Disconnect Toyota hand-held tester or OBDII scan tool
This guide is based on the book edition Toyota (RM502U, 1997)
