This check is used only to determine whether or not the idle CO/HC complies with regulations.
Initial conditions
- Engine at normal operating temperature
- Air cleaner installed
- All pipes and hoses of air induction system connected
- All accessories switched OFF
- All vacuum lines properly connected
- SFI system wiring connectors fully plugged
- Ignition timing checked correctly
- Transmission in neutral position
- Tachometer and CO/HC meter calibrated by hand
- Start engine
- Race engine AT 2,500 RPM for APPROX. 180 seconds
Insert CO/HC meter testing probe AT least 40 cm (1.3 ft) into tailpipe during idling
Immediately check CO/HC concentration at IDLE and/or 2,500 RPM
When doing the 2 mode (2,500 rpm and idle) test, follow the measurement order prescribed by the applicable local regulations.
- Check heated oxygen sensors operation. (See page SF-72 )
- See the table below for possible causes, and then inspect and correct the applicable causes if necessary.
CO | HC | Phenomenon | Causes |
Normal | High | Rough idle |
Low | High |
Rough idle
(Fluctuating HC reading) |
High | High |
Rough idle
(Black smoke from exhaust) |
This guide is based on the book edition Toyota (RM502U, 1997)
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